General Liability
General liability covers broad liability risks during everyday operation of your business. There are a few different coverage parts to general liability which include the following:
Per Occurrence Limit - e. g. $1,000,000 this is the total amount a policy will pay out per incident for bodily injury or property damage
Aggregate limit - e. g. $2,000,000 if there are multiple claims within a policy period the policy will not cover over the total aggregate amount
Advertising Injury - Your business may advertise a good, service, or product. If you are found using someone else's advertising idea, infringing on a certain slogan or copyright, or making false statements about a competitor these would all fall under this coverage part.
Products & Completed Operations - The goods you sell or the services you provide can cause damage or injury. As an example, a carpenter builds a deck for a client. During a party the deck collapses with multiple people on it, causing injury.
Damage to Premises Rented to You - if you are renting or leasing a space and cause fire damage this coverage will come into play
Medical expense - covers immediate injuries as a result of business activity regardless of fault
If you operate a business or if you are an individual performing services or providing goods, you should have a general liability policy.
If you have a rental property and it is written on a commercial form versus a personal one, you will see general liability limits just like they are described above versus a single limit.
Some classes might not fit into a standard market, either. If your occupation is specialized or uncommon you may have to seek a surplus lines general liability policy. Preferred carriers might only have a set amount of class codes that they can write business under. If they don't have a class for the type of service you provide or the products you produce, you may be out of luck with them.